
Who am I? Mary Beaty, Humanist Officiant

I am Mary Beaty, a certified Wedding Officiant licensed by the Registrar General of Ontario under the auspices of the Ontario Humanist Society to provide legal marriage services in the Province of Ontario. I am a librarian, Humanist Chaplain at the University of Toronto, a writer, a human rights activist, a grandmother, and former organic and sheep farmer, interested in sustainability, and green issues. 

I have married about 1500 couples since 2004, and I offer simple and meaningful secular (non-religious) Humanist wedding services, including both traditional and modern ceremonies, for couples who wish to design their own weddings. 

For more information and sample Ceremonies at
Email me at MaryBeaty (at) Gmail (dot) com.


SEND AN [ENQUIRY] FORM HERE - Globe and Mail agrees this is a 'trend'


well, after officiating at 1500 elopements in 20 years, I can agree with this article. (grin)

But there are a few RULES:

1) Tell your mom, if you tell your mom things anyway

2) Tell your best friend and siblings, if you tell them things anyway.

3) You don't need rings or flowers, unless you WANT them.  

4) Dress up, or down, bring along a friend with a guitar, or don't bother.  

5) Don't confuse an elopement with a flashmob wedding.  Find a quiet tree, or your own apartment or a hotel, or a beach, or a backyard.  Find a little peace and privacy for 20 minutes.  THEN go out and take pix all over town if you wish. 

there are zillions of articles on this blog with advice, or just contact me.  MaryBeaty (at)



Micro wedding at the Music Garden

Music Garden micro wedding

 This may look like a typical 'large' wedding, but it's really on seven of us, under the willow tree at the Music Garden.  We streamed family from two countries and entertained some sunbathers, and enjoyed the planes taking off from Billy Bishop in the sunlight.