
High Park wedding - small and sunny!

Beautiful day - in a little alcove by the Japanese Garden

Happy Couple and mom/mother-in-law! 




Outdoor spring wedding at University of Toronto

Spring wedding at University of Toronto

 The weather looked a little blustery (well, a LOT!) and rain was threatening, so we changed our plans and found this nice portico and had a nice simple elopement - and the sun came out!  Spring flowers, April showers, and a very happy spring couple.  


Balcony Wedding on a windy spring day

Here's a little downtown wedding by OCAD.  We could open the balcony doors and get a LOT of air inside this apartment, and we took off our masks for the pix.

House wedding - with the windows open!

Here's the first 'indoor' wedding of the spring, with the windows and doors wide open, and a beautiful spring day  This was the predicted '90Km' windstorm day, and we just opened the door and let the air circulate.  The next day was snow, but we were thrilled to have the sun come out for this couple and their family.

Spring wedding with the doors open